Saturday, October 12, 2013

If I were a boy

I’m tired of men getting offended from women who have an opinion.
I’m tired of having to censor or filter myself when I’m speaking to a ‘man’, but not having to think twice when it comes to my words reaching the ears of a woman.

And why is it that men take whatever a man says to them, as ‘man-to-man’ be it a curse or five. But if a woman should point out a minor mistake, well who is she to have a voice? Where did she come from, who gave her that right?

Bros can banter and yell. They can throw words back and forth, then the next second go out and enjoy a nice meal, play a game of ball.

When a female tells a man what he’s lacking, what he’s fallen behind on, it’s her fault. She shouldn’t have spoken, should have kept quite, let it go. Let it be. Understand.

He has his reasons.

A women cannot have her own reasons.
Her frustration does not count.
No she must silence her voice.
Quench the fire that is building up inside of her chest.
Plaster a smile on her very face.
Wink, and say that’s fine.

I’m tired of men telling women what they can, and cannot say.
Tired of men claiming to love women, but only loving the parts they select.

Don’t they know that women come in one single package, not meant to be picked at.

And I'm tired of being told that the strength of a woman, is in her silence.

And have men forgotten that they are half of a woman.
That they drank their mothers cells.
Quenched their thirst from the very water of her womb.
That their mothers organs were the cushions they rested their heads on.
Have they forgotten, that they grew and came to form inside of a woman.
Pushed out of a woman.
Fed from a woman.
Screamed, and cried for that woman.

I shouldn’t ask if they have forgotten, for most of them have.

But why? And what of the girl who stifles her own opinion.

So as to not harm the ego, of that superior man?

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