Monday, September 23, 2013

I Believe

I believe in nature, and trees.
I believe that a breath of fresh air is more healing than all the pills in the world.
I believe that you shouldn’t speak unless it’s helpful, kind, or true.
I believe that silence is more beautiful than noise.
I believe that hugs make all the difference.
I believe in smiling.
I believe in radiating warmth.
I believe in sharing your sandwich with the child whose mother forgot to pack theirs.
I believe it’s better to give than to get.
I believe that for the most part you get what you give.
I believe that every day you wake up with a choice.
I believe that before you escape to dreamland every night, you should count your blessings.
I believe that you should be thankful every morning you open your eyes.
I believe in being gentle, and sweet.
I believe that natural is always better, and pure is best.
I believe in yoga, and taking deep breaths.
I believe we will all get what we deserve in the end.
I believe a peaceful heart is the greatest blessing.
I believe that my thoughts rule my life, and I will choose to think only good things.
I believe that what I have is enough, and what I will get is what I’ll need.
I believe that true love has the power to fix anything.

What do you believe?

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